Freelance Copywriter based in Manchester. Specialising in B2B and B2C Copy, regularly outranking the Daily Mail.

I'm Monyca, an established freelance copywriter based in the UK, leaving my fingerprints on the content marketing world at every turn.



Website Copy

Making a good first impression on your audience begins with good website copywriting. 

Product Descriptions

A product description is more than just a few words. It must inform shoppers and persuade them to pull the trigger on a purchase.

Property Copy

Showcase persuasive and engaging content that showcases properties and entices potential buyers to take action.

Case Studies

Give your readers an in-depth analysis and examination into a specialist subject/service.

Storytelling & Blog Posts

Currently, there are 1.9 billion websites in the world, and over 600 million are blogs. That means that the blogging industry makes up a third of the web.

Social Media

Over 90% of marketers say that social media is essential to their business.


B2B copywriting is all about saying the right things in the right way to achieve the right result. 

Mobile Application Copy

Make the user's experience as seamless as possible by guiding their information gathering and reducing any confusion that they may have
  • Words are, in my not-so-humble-opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.

    ~ Albus Dumbledore



All works on this site are the property of my clients as provided by Autify Digital, and are featured here with their express permission. Select the images below to view each company site.